Sunday, November 1, 2009

We are sorry for the LONG LONG LONG LONG wait for the next post. Mom finally convinced me (Caleb) to update the blog once a week, so here I am! Since it is November 1st, tommorow everyone will probably be sick with Halloweenious Candiness Diseasiness or Tooiuos Muchious Sugarious (Too much Halloween candy sickness :D) Also coming up is Caleb's Birthday!!! *solo clap* -_- He's just had his interview with Bishop Foster and next Sunday will recieve the Aaronic Priesthood!!! Grandma and Grandpa are also coming. Anywise, about ages...>:D... Joseph Lee=8 Misha=10 Caleb=11(5 days till 12) Brian=14 David=15... and mom and dad are both 41 Since last time *phew* we got a new kitten,eventually named Pinball!!!! Well! Here are some pics and videos of him and that's about all for this week! Bye!

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